Saturday, February 19, 2011

Randi Goes All Controversial

So here are a few of my thoughts and opinions on the issues that people get upset about, not all of them because I am indecisive by nature and don't know exactly where I stand on them. But I do have strong opinions on a few. It is impossible to communicate tone over a blog, but I am actually in a really good mood, haha, but these things have been really chapping my ass lately, and  I do get passionate about them- and It will translate to everything sounding angry. I apologize for this.

 WARNING: If you do not agree with me, that is fine. But do not take it personal, email me, comment, or want to have an in-depth discussion about why because I really don't care. We all have our own opinions on these things...its the beauty of thinking for ourselves. You aren't going to convert me. I respect your opinions, respect mine. Also remember this is a blog, you are free to stop reading at anytime, and you also sought it out after reading the title. Don't act surprised if it isn't all rainbows and butterflies.

1.)  Dear Parents, please beat your children.

In the industry I work in, the food service industry, I want to punch kids in the face daily.  This is terrible to say- allow me to explain. These children are completely out of control. They are running around the restaurant, screaming, throwing cups full of juice at me...I don't work in a Pizza Hut. I work in an Italian Restaurant. Where people go on dates and drink wine, and I have to wear a friggin button up top and a bistro apron.. I had a kid the other day, about 5 years old, thrust his cup in the air, shake it, starts to beat it on the table and scream "HELLOOOOO?!".  His mother thought this was ADORABLE.  The only thing worse that the " I have no rules and treat my parents like crap cuz they let me" kids and the ones that throw tantrums and get ice cream. To shut them up.  Are you stupid?  I actually forgot where I was the other day and looked right at a kid, who was jumping around, screaming and throwing sugar packets, I snapped and said "Hey! Butt in seat!!"  The kids eyes got as wide as saucers, he shut his mouth sat down and voluntarily started picking them up.  This is when I started to panic.... I was at work.  Crap.  His mother, who had been sitting there looking like the devastated victim the whole time; looks at me and, Thank God, says "That.  was.  amazing."

I dont have kids... but I know how hard they can be. My brother is 14 years younger than me. I spent alot of my adolescent life babysitting lots of different kids before I got a job. Don't tell me its impossible to get them to mind. If you can get them to without laying a finger on them more power to ya, otherwise you'd be amazed at how much their manners will improve if you will smack em on the ass every now and then.

2.) Homosexuality- To Each Their Own

Holy Christ. This irks me more than anything else probably.  Who has the right to judge anyone on a sexual preference in a relationship involving 2 consenting adults?? Who has the right to judge anyone else at all?
 "Its says so in the BIBLE!!"- Bitch have you ever read the entire Bible? It says all kinds of stuff we arent supposed to do! Cut our hair, wear rings, football, tattoos, polyester or fabric blends, Divorce, birth control, eat friggin shellfish....also the way it is stated in bible was in reference to men and small boys....what is now known as child molestation/abuse. Theologians have confirmed this. Look it up.

To each their own- basically let people live their own lives and make their own choices. They aren't butting their way into your life so kindly see yourself out of theirs. If you were to meet someone on the street that was gay but you had no way of knowing, and you actually talked to them, and got past what you think you know about them and their choices, you would see two eyes, a nose, a mouth.  Hear a laugh, make conversation, find out you both grew up in the same city. You find a person. Someone worthy of respect. Someone you are glad you met. To have an opinion you have to see both sides, therefore be open-minded...otherwise you are just ignorant.

3.) I have no money boo-hoo.

I can't count how many people complain about money and do nothing to change their situation.  Who do a job making close to minimum wage that takes very little effort, and their main problem is fighting boredom, to act surprised when they get paid for their little effort and whine incessantly.  I (usually) make good money- guess what- I run my ASS off. I come home sweaty, dirty, stinky and dead tired. I don't have time, to spend time whining. I know its frustrating, I know its easier said than done, but get another JOB. Make an effort for goodness sakes. or HUSH. because of you aren't doing anything to change- we are all sick of hearing about it. Thats like "awww im so fat"...donut donut donut.  It isn't rocket science.

4.)Misery loves company-Human Buzzkill

Do you know people like this? Negative Nancy, cant be happy about anything or for anyone. Its always how bad it is for them, how nothing ever goes the sit and wallow and whine.  Blame everyone else.  We all have our moments or our days. Heck I do. Its natural. But goodnight...sometimes I just wanna slap these people. Its every day all the time. Find a hobby!

5.) In the words of Jon's Dad- "Facebook-in"

Im so sick of people using facebook as a middle school hallway.  A place to get into other people's conversations and stir-up drama, get all offended, un-friend people.....seriously....and be all passive aggressive. Status update "I wish this B would just mind her own business!!"  Makes me wanna say "have the balls to tell us who you're talking about pansy ass." This seems totally opposite of what I'm saying until I explain- middle school hallway. Whisper Whisper, Deny, Deny, Deny. Fake smiles and all. Hate it. I'm not saying everyone should insult each other freely and start throwing virtual rotten tomatoes, but stay out of conversations that arent about you, let people fight THEIR OWN battles. If you are trying to spare someones feelings thats one thing- but being to much of a coward to tackle a situation head on is another.

and thats a wrap. Haha.  Hope no one got to stirred up. One thing you dont have to worry about with me- Im not 2 faced. I'm me. Always. I live in the grey. I respect others opinions even though I obviously have my own. Aggressive some may say- They used to call that Honesty.

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