Thursday, April 28, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

Obviously I have been  feeling a bit....frustrated lately. However; in an attempt to communicate that I am NOT a complete antagonist- I have decided over the last few days to rediscover the beauty in simplicity. In short: the little things in my life that make it all seem to even out.

1. Get ready to boyfriend.
    Admittedly not a small part of my life- but it's the things he does.  He gets a glass of wine ready when I text him "S.O.S" or "Today sucks :(  ".     That something small.....and brilliant.  
-He will rub my back or play with my hair as I vent about the customers who left me 2 dollars on a 40.00 ticket- totally 34 dollars made in 5 hours; and allow me to be as negative and whiny as I want: probably because he knows if you play with my hair or rub my back it is about 15 minutes before I completely pass out.

2. Dinner/Drinks on the Patio
Whether its with friends, Jon, or my family there is something about eating dinner, drinking wine and socializing outside that makes everything better. I love not having the distraction of a blaring tv or the baby screaming at the next booth. Not to mention the pretentious women and men are to worried about their hair or suits to want to eat outside; so it is a place of Corona's, laughter, and on a Thursday night at Cha-Cha's-live music. Yes Please.

3. Random Dancing
Thanks to my coworkers for the random dancing that occurs during work hours and after the doors lock. Especially to 90's music. Nothing makes a gripey Randi laugh like Whitney Houston impressions and doing "the butterfly" to Marc Anthony.

4. A good Bible verse
I am admittedly not an overly religious person, but every once and a while I will whip that Bible out and open it up to a page that expresses exactly how I am feeling.  Its amazing.

5. Looking pretty
A good hair day and red lipstick makes me feel gorgeous, classy and extravagant.  If I dont want to go to work I usually throw my hair up in a ponytail, but when I REALLY don't want to go- I at least make sure I look pretty....then it isn't so bad. Shallow as that sounds.

6.Audrey Hepburn
Maybe its because she reminds me of my grandmother. Small, dark haired and petite. Dark brown eyes, long eyelashes, speaking in a light voice and never speaking a harsh she passed away when I was 12 so Im sure its become a bit idealized haha, but this my grandma was always picture perfect. She wore slacks, button ups or sweaters every day- Even of she didn't go anywhere. She wore White Shoulders perfume- a mix of Gardenia, Jasmine and Sandalwood. When I watch Audrey Hepburn and the careful way she speaks, her poise and sweet smile, the way she glides when she walks. I can't help but think that if grace had a face- it would be hers. I completely idolize her.

7. Puppies
Come on. Who can have a bad day and not be cheered up by a cute little fumbling puppy. To hold it up and bury your face in its warm little neck, to smell its breath when it yawns. Sheesh.

These are a few of my favorite (little) things. There are many more- but these are probably the tip top of the simplicity list. I love my life. I love that I am not afraid to tell it like it is and reap the consequences for being one of the few people I know who say the things others won't. I also like that there are things that never cease to make me happy. Things that make me smile, close my eyes and thank the good Lord for never ceasing to lighten the load a little bit. Even when I don't deserve it.   Like a flower growing though a crack in the sidewalk- the good finds a way in. There are alot of things to complain about- but there are also alot of thing to treasure.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Negativity rears its ugly head.

Im going to get straight to the point.  Im sick of people bitching.

" I don't know the key to success; but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."-Bill Cosby

Now, this is an ironic statement, I know. One that I make often in alot of different ways, and to complain about people complaining is a bit redundant and juvenile, maybe a bigger person could let it slide, let the light shine in, take the high road- etc. I suppose I am just not a good enough person to be the one "above" everyone else. In a few different areas of my life I am surrounded by people who bring me down- not to a depressed state because let's face it- I've got it pretty damn good, Ive made my own luck, but to an "oh my gosh put on your big girl panties" state. I'm not even angry. i'm EXHAUSTED. I'm so over this total buzzkill-pity-pity-poor-me bullcrap .

What's funny is a lot of the problems these people are having is caused by their own actions and attitudes. Have you ever just wanted to grab someone's shoulders, shake them viciously and scream "MAYBE IT ISN'T EVERYONE ELSE! MAYBE ITS YOU!!! YOU ARE THE COMMON FACTOR YOU IDIOT!"
Sheesh. Harsh, but true. and the laziness- oh my gosh the laziness- the complete entitlement "the world owes me something because im not a crack addict" attitude that the kids of our generation have is sickening. They want a cookie for HAVING a job. Well.... making 8 bucks an hour and sitting at a desk playing solitaire all day doesn't exactly constitute as a warranted reason for a commemorative ceremony.

Alot of people work ALOT harder than me, I have been very fortunate to maintain a steady job that I can make a living doing, a job in our economy is a blessing- but I am not afraid to work. Maybe my arrogance overtakes me, and my independance and pride make me come of as a total right-wing-Republican "make your own destiny" soap-box carrying fool- but I have a point- and if alot of people can get past the "She's an arrogant woman, she's not in my shoes, what does she know," attitude they can see that my message is simple/.

"If you spent as much time trying to make more money, or fix your relationship, or stop looking for one, or working instead of complaining about your job-  as you do whining, blogging, facebooking, and having a pity party...chances wouldn't have any time or need to do any of those things. Get off your butt."

Im encountering this everywhere. At work, in personal relationships, in people I dont even know, the other day the post office a woman was talking about how "why does this always take so long- geez there is only two of them- ugh I have been here for 15 minutes- wow that man is SLOW- cant they just.."  I finally said "Can't YOU just SHUT UP.  You're worse than the WAIT. They're doing their job. Let it go."

True story. I have had it, lol. I am a happy person- I dont like when Im not the chipper, bouncy, bubbly me than I and everyone (usually) enjoys- but Ive also always been alot like my parents. I work hard. I support who I need to, right now its me, someday it will be my family, and Im not afraid to do everything I need to to make that happen. I refuse to do "just enough" or "what Is acceptable" I will do what my parents did: work their asses off to make a life for me and mine. Not stepping on people in the process- but finding it hard to feel sorry for those who aren't willing to put forth the effort to do more than what is deemed "just enough".

I am thankful for being raised with this mentality. I am thankful for being raised strong, independent , stubborn, and honest. I am thankful to have a partner in this life who shares all of this with me- and although he is more forgiving in nature; and I have no problem in admitting that he is probably a better person than I am; i know he secretly loves that my no-nonsense attitude gets things done, and tells it like it is. I am thankful that I believe in myself enough that In my recent years I have come to terms with something-. I don't feel the need to explain myself anymore.  This is huge for me.

So people get your chin up. today is a new day. People have it so much worse than we do. Yes the gas prices suck, and our President  has spent a ton of money, and its hot, and taxes are due, and your kids are making you want to kill them, and your boyfriend/girlfriend left the toilet seat up/down, or you dont have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or your hair doesnt look the way you want it to today.  Enjoy the sunshine. Take a breath, and thank the good Lord for giving you another day to see the sky.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33