Friday, January 7, 2011


What girl doesn't want the grand gesture?  Pretty dresses, dancing, the moment in the rain when the kiss is so strong you feel like you have no legs...basically every romantic film i've ever seen has had one or all of these, and as much as I tell myself it's unrealistic, and that's not every day life, I feel myself getting sucked in every time. I love my boyfriend; more than I love anyone in the world. Most of the time it is the little things that make me love him even more, like last night when I had a little to much wine and he knocked out the rest of the beer in the fridge and we had the brilliant idea of baking brownies at midnight- with no eggs. Haha. It was a chocolaty gooey mess.  Delicious though.  Ugh I went on a tangent- anyways- about 85 percent of the time this keeps me more than happy...but every great once and a while I want ROMANCE. I want him to not be so......every day. I want dancing for no reason, I want candles and rose petals, I want a suprise weekend getaway like I planned for him a few years ago, I want thought and effort haha. This sounds awful- because he is the best person I know. He's selfless, and patient, he does the dishes lol, he accepts that I sometimes have a  bipolar 5 minute rampage when I can find anything in our tiny apartment- so this really is my only constant complaint. Its a futile one; it's not malicious or on purpose on his end, but I can't help but wish there was more   cheesiness in our relationship haha. Sincere cheesiness. I have said something a few times- but i feel like such agre complaining about anything since he is so good to me. I just wish he'd want it too, and come up with these things on his own. Boo. No romantic comedies for me for a while- they are ruining me.  lol