A horribly cheesy helpless romantic, I catch myself wanting the fairytale.
Wanting to be the kind of couple who never fights.
Wanting to hear "I'm so in love with you" every day.
Wanting to have an old white house in the country that we fix up together.
Wanting surprise weekend getaways to exotic places.
Wanting a wedding in a crumbling castle somewhere far away- where everyone magically had enough money to attend.
Wanting flowers to be delivered to work on Wednesdays because they seem to be cursed, haha
Wanting to dance in the living room to Sam Cooke on vinyl.
The fact of the matter is, life isn't like the fairytales. It's messy, and hard- for lack of a better word. People get frustrated and busy, they forget to appreciate each other. They forget to talk, or they just plain don't have the energy. Every day there are things that don't go our way, obstacles that seem to create themselves strictly for the purpose of screwing us up. Example- finally have enough money to take that weekend getaway? NOT SO FAST- clothes dryer just blew up. Great day at work?- laundry all over the place/ overflowing dishwasher. Late for work?- car won't start. (that's my favorite). My point is- Shit happens. Then there are days.... Like today :)
Simple things. Little things. Jon and I planned to have a little date night before I left for my trip. Don't have the money to go out. I wanted to make Halloween cookies and carve a pumpkin, and he wanted to make a homemade pizza and watch Jurassic Park. Again. Haha. So that was the plan... well....
1.) No one has halloween cookie cutters. Eff. Well We can just decorate them with tube icing?
2.) Tube icing tastes like crap- we will use food coloring and use butter cream!
3.) All pumpkins are rejects and dented/flat on one side and covered in green/dirt. Boo. No pumpkin :(
4.) Cookie dough is way to thin and sticky- add more flour!
5.) Cookie dough tastes like straight flour and is still thin and sticky. Crap.
6.) Cookie dough too thin to make smaller cookies- one giant cookie!
7.) Giant cookie very dense- and tastes like flour. Icing will help! To hot to ice- dip in icing like chips and salsa- fore-go decoration for reason of impatience.
8.) Randi's cookies- Fail. Jon's (EASY) pizza- success.
9.) Jurassic Park 2, not original, cheesy as ever. Entertaining none the less.
Definitely one of those "had to be there to realize how funny it really was" stories, but very typical "us" haha.
But we love each other- we laughed our hiney's off. Soo in relation to original list of "wants"
1.) We fight. Not all the time, but when we do- we definitely do. We get mad, get madder, then work it out.
because we love each other.
2.) I don't hear "im so in love with you every day". But I know it. I see it. and I feel it. Every. single. day.
3.) Old white house may take a while- but we'll work on it. Whatever house we have will be ours, and as long as there is a German Shepherd in the backyard, that's ok with me. :)
4.) No money for surprise weekend getaways. But day trips to Sulpur to swim in the natural springs, or Davis caves are a great alternative.
5.) Our wedding will not be in a castle, but it will still be my dream come true.
6.) I don't get flowers at work on wednesdays- but I do get a hug and kiss when I get home, usually a massage before bed, and If I'm really sweet there's a bottle of Riesling in the fridge. What a good man ;)
7.) Still working on dancing in the living room and Sam Cooke on vinyl- not willing to give that one up! haha
I am a lucky lucky woman, I like to think he's a little lucky too :)
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