This is simply a compilation of rules I try to live by. Some are simply the norm, some probably only make sense to me. my frustration with people lately has made me realize that being a good person usually wins out- but not always. There is always those couple of assholes that won't change.
1.) Treat others as you want to be treated.-Pretty simple. Most people advocate this when it suits them- perhaps when THEY are the one's being treated badly. Then they conveniently forget when they are the one's treating people badly and rationalize the situation by making it someone else's fault.
2.) Take responsibility. Big One with me. I hate hate hate when people refuse to man-up. It sucks. No one likes to screw up or be wrong, no one likes being reprimanded- but suck it up pansy ass.
3.) Say you're Sorry- For heaven's sake. So many relationships-romantic and personal- could be saved if someone whole-heartedly decided to throw in their ego and say "My a jackass." It works well in Jon and I's house...and believe it or not its usually me saying it.
4.) Take on another's Perspective- Seriously. Tunnel-vision is a MAJOR problem in this area. Everyone's to busy being defensive to think that maybe, just maybe, THEY"RE the one being a dick. (Yeah...I said "being a dick". So much more powerful than other curse words.) think of other's views, opinions, and acknowledge them. It will get you alot further if you validate their feelings. You have to mean it though or you're just a dick.
5.) Fighting while drunk- WAIT A DAY.... If you wake up, have some coffee, eat lunch, and are STILL PISSED- its fair game. Don't make a big scene while drunk unless you want to wake up and realize you screamed at someone...then cried.. because they ate the last of the chips.
6.) Say "I love you"- Not to everyone like a 13 year old girl, not to people you dont really love, but to those you do- say it. All the time. You can;t over-use I love you if it's always sincere.
7.)Be honest with your kids- obviously this is an opinion being that I don;t have kids- but I think honestly works best. Not that I have to many skeletons in my closet; but when Jon and I have kids we have agreed (when its age appropriate of course) to be honest with them. I was raised very honestly- I knew what the dangers were, what would be said, what was out there, what my parents did and experienced, and what the consequences were. I was and am-at the risk of sounding arrogant- a very level-headed, conscious, smart woman. I also told them everything. Yep....everything. Still do.
8.) Teach your kids restaurant etiquette or just manners in general- Oh my gosh. Yes this comes from working in one. If I had a would be amazed. Seriously. Its awful. Keep them in their seat, have them say please and than you, and don't buy the brat ice cream to get him to stop screaming bloody murder- give me 5 minutes with him.
9.)Another one from restaurant stand-point- remember to be kind to those working in the service industry...they catch alot of crap. Like alot. Half the time I feel like a garbage bin for people to throw stuff at. Every bad day, bad argument, snobby bertha-better-than-you but unhappy housewife, people with weight problems that are pissed they want the food we serve, seriously this is the crap that people take out on me. It can be a bit hellacious. But the people who follow this rule allow me to (mostly) enjoy my job.
10) Dont judge someone until you know THEM.- This goes for age, race, sexual preference, religion, etc. Don't tell me you hate a "type" of people...but you haven't really met any- and certainly dont know any personally. You are an ignorant idiot.
11.)Dont interrupt! I will slice you. So rude and disrespectful.
12.) Practice what you preach- pretty simple. If you are a hypocrite then what you present yourself to be will result in a negative connotation, for instance- Don't be a "Devout Christian Who believes homosexuals are going to hell" It says so in the Bible? The bible says, in plain script, DO NOT JUDGE. Pretty much everywhere. You have no point. Go kick rocks.
13.) Don't play "the game"- I know to an extent we all have to do things we dont want to. That's life. You have a family to support, etc. But don't let anyone in authority make you feel like less than you are. It isn't worth your self respect. The panic of finding a new job after you flip your boss the bird will subside- but years of being talked down to is a waste of time. This sounds idealistic- but coming from someone whose done it- just trust me.
14.) Shut up and Listen- Really listen. Stop waiting for your turn to talk. This is ironic coming from me- but I listen, and I remember things. Little details. Its all in the details.
15.) My most important rule- BE FAITHFUL. To your friends, to your family, and especially to the one you love. Talk about your problems, If you feel an attraction for someone else- talk about that too. Yeah it would be awkward...but not as awkward as the conversation after you did something stupid if that were to happen. Life is so precious with someone to share it with. Cherish every day- even the ones you spend fighting..they;re all days you cant get back. If something were to happen to them- you'd give anything to spend a day with them-even if it was spent fighting. Remember that.