I believe this state is trying to burn us alive.
I believe in the beauty of a college education. Not for the piece of paper that says I completed it, but for the ability to be taught painting, Italian, and how to teach children.
I believe my youngest brother could be a stand-up comedian.
I believe my favorite foods are those associated with good memories.
I believe that all PEOPLE are created equal, regardless of gender, race,religion, or sexual preference.
I believe that the majority of girls who ends up being overly opinionated, stubborn, and refusing to tolerate being treated less than perfect-become that way after being all accepting, all forgiving and completely in love....and had the crap kicked out of them. Either that or you were very spoiled as a child. Haha
I believe that love is 500% honest. All the time. If its hard to say- it probably needs to be talked about.
I believe that I change change the world. Maybe not in a huge way, but I think It will make a difference. Think globally, act locally.
I believe that kids are so much smarter and more aware of things than anyone gives them credit for.
I believe that statements that hurt peoples feelings hurt them because there is truth in them, not saying that is bad or good- but otherwise you could completely discredit said statement,.
I believe that you say things to someones face. You don't have to be overly aggressive or an instigator about it, but if you are going to talk about them behind their back, you find a way to communicate it to them in person.
I believe that Bob Stoops is a badass.
I believe that french toast was made by the gods.
I believe that once you love someone,even if it turns sour, in a small way you love them for life.
I believe working out keeps me from killing people.
I believe the media gives little girls a terrible body image....BUT.....they watch their mothers/sisters etc. for how much confidence they end up having about their body, etc..
I believe the thought of death becomes more scary after you find your soulmate.
I believe sometimes forever doesnt seem like long enough.
I believe you should never compromise yourself, because its all you have.(Janis Joplin) but I do believe that when you love someone/people-compromise is part of the package, and although it might not always be happily, you do it.
I believe that holding grudges is wrong, but I still do it. I can't convince my heart to forgive those who tore it into pieces. Stubborn, stupid, heart.
I believe tears can be shed for any emotion, and they are beautiful. The vulnerability that makes us human is found in them.
I believe that you dont marry someone because you are hopeful, you marry them because you are sure.
I believe that sheltering a child can lead the to act out, but allowing a child to act out leads them to feel absolved of repercussions and responsibility of their actions. I ibelieve it is a delicate balance, and when in doubt be a parent and not a friend.
I believe that sometimes people who dont have kids have valid points/opinions and people who have kids use the excuse "They dont have kids- what do they know" to invalidate those opinions/points.
I believe that most people are basically good, but lose sight of whats important in life. I can be one of these people.
I believe that it isnt nice things that make people feel good about themselves, but peoples reactions to those nice things.
I believe Im self-aware enough to counter-act my completely bi-polar personality. I have learned to (pretty much) talk myself down- thanks to my ever-so-patient boyfriend. Haha
I believe the love you take is equal to the love you make.